Great‼-ient Buttons

Dark theme button styles for gradient-nostalgic folks.
GitHub: kalgynirae/great-ient-buttons

How to Use

Simply copy buttons.css into your project. Visit GitHub to download the latest release.

Individual Buttons

Add the gb-button class to <button> or <a> elements.

<a> button
HTML source
<button class="gb-button">regular button</button>
<a class="gb-button" href="#">&lt;a&gt; button</a>
<button class="gb-button gb-big">big button</button>
<button class="gb-button active">active button</button>
<button class="gb-button" disabled>disabled button</button>

Button Rows

Buttons can be stacked in a compact row by adding gb-row to the parent element. Rows can optionally begin or end with a gb-label to indicate their function.

Note: Button rows automatically switch to a vertical orientation at small device widths.


HTML source
<div class="gb-row">
  <div class="gb-label"><svg ...>...</svg></div>
  <button class="gb-button"><svg ...>...</svg></button>
  <button class="gb-button">1</button>
  <button class="gb-button">2</button>
  <button class="gb-button">3</button>
  <button class="gb-button">Long text blah blah</button>
  <button class="gb-button" disabled>disabled</button>


HTML source
<div class="gb-row gb-stretch">
  <div class="gb-label"><svg ...>...</svg></div>
  <button class="gb-button"><svg ...>...</svg></button>
  <button class="gb-button">1</button>
  <button class="gb-button">2</button>
  <button class="gb-button">3</button>
  <button class="gb-button">Long text blah blah</button>
  <button class="gb-button" disabled>disabled</button>


You can add the gb-{color} classes to buttons directly or to any parent element. For example, this page's color selector changes the <body> element's class.

HTML source
  <button class="gb-button">button</button>
  <button class="gb-button gb-gray">gray button</button>
  <span class="gb-purple">
    <button class="gb-button">purple button</button>

Product Card Sample

Note: This example has not been adapted for narrow device widths.

Concrete Staircase
In stock